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Thursday, 1 June 2017

Monday, 29 May 2017

Postponement of HRM and TQM Examination on 02 June 2017 by OU

Due to Telangana Formation Day, all the exams scheduled on 02 June 2017 are postponed. The re-scheduled time table will be issued shortly.

We have Human Resource Management (II Semester Backlog) and Total Quality Management (III Semester Backlog) exams on 02 June 2017. These two exams are postponed by Osmania University. Please inform the students who are appearing for these two subjects.
  Official Notice Link: Click here

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Revised Timetable for MBA IV-Semester (Regular & Backlog) and I, II & III-Semester (Backlog & Improvement) Examinations 2017

MORNING (10:00 AM to 01:00 PM)
01.06.2017 - (MOB) - Management and Organizational Behavior
03.06.2017 - (ME) - Managerial Economics
07.06.2017 - (FAA) - Financial Accounting & Analysis
12.06.2017 - (MM) - Marketing Management
14.06.2017 - (SFM) - Statistics for Management
16.06.2017 - (BLE) - Business Law and Environment
19.06.2017 - (ITAB) - IT Applications for Business

MORNING (10:00 AM to 01:00 PM)
02.06.2017 - (HRM) - Human Resource Management
05.06.2017 - (BPR) - Business Process Re-engineering
08.06.2017 - (FM) - Financial Management
13.06.2017 - (RMD) - Research for Marketing Decisions
15.06.2017 - (OR) - Operations Research
17.06.2017 - (OM) - Operations Management
20.06.2017 - (DSS) - Decision Support Systems

AFTERNOON (02:00 PM to 05:00 PM)
02.06.2017 - (TQM) - Total Quality Management
05.06.2017 - (IB) - International Business
08.06.2017 - (MC) - Managerial Communication
13.06.2017 - (IM) - Investment Management (FINANCE MAJOR)
                     (CM) - Compensation Management (HR MAJOR)
                     (PBM) - Product & Brand Management (MARKETING MAJOR)
                                             FINANCE MINOR
15.06.2017 - (SMA) - Strategic Management Accounting (FINANCE MINOR - I)
                     (IF) - International Finance (FINANCE MINOR - II)
                                             HR MINOR
17.06.2017 - (OD) - Organizational Development (HR MINOR - I)
                      (LCM) - Leadership & Change Management (HR MINOR - II)
                                             MARKETING MINOR
20.06.2017 - (PDM) - Promotion & Distribution Management (MARKETING MINOR - I)
                     (ME) - Marketing Engineering (MARKETING MINOR - II)
22.06.2017 - (RDBMS) - Relational Database Management Systems (IT)

AFTERNOON (02:00 PM to 05:00 PM)
01.06.2017 - (SM) - Strategic Management
03.06.2017 - (SCM) - Supply Chain Management
07.06.2017 - (ED) - Entrepreneurial Development
12.06.2017 - (FRM) - Financial Risk Management (FINANCE MAJOR)
                     (PM) - Performance Management (HR MAJOR)
                     (CB) - Consumer Behavior (MARKETING MAJOR)
                                              FINANCE MINOR
14.06.2017 - (BI) - Banking & Insurance (FINANCE MINOR - I)
                     (FSS) - Financial Services & Systems (FINANCE MINOR - II)
                                              HR MINOR
16.06.2017 - (LLER) - Labour Laws & Employee Relations (HR MINOR - I)
                     (TKM) - Talent & Knowledge Management (HR MINOR - II)
                                              MARKETING MINOR
19.06.2017 - (SGM) - Services & Global Marketing (MARKETING MINOR - I)
                     (CRM) - Customer Relationship Management (MARKETING MINOR - II)
21.06.2017 - E-Business (IT)

Note: Students are requested to go through the Time table carefully in order to avoid any sort of confusion regarding Backlog and Regular Examination dates.

Official Notification (PDF) : Click here to download