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Thursday 15 December 2016

PDM (Marketing Minor) All Units Material - Download Now

Marketing (Minor)
Promotion and Distribution Management (PDM)
All Units Material

PDF Files:

Unit 1:
Unit 1 - Download PDF
Establishing objectives and budgeting - Download PDF

Unit 2:
Creative strategy and implementation and evaluation - Download PDF
Media planning and strategy - Download PDF
Creative strategy - Download PDF

Unit 3:
Personal selling - Download PDF

Unit 4:
Sales promotion - Download PDF

Unit 5:
Distribution management - Download PDF

PPT Files (Powerpoint presentation files):

Unit 1:
Unit 1 - Download PPT
Establishing objectives and budgeting - Download PPT

Unit 2:
Creative strategy - Download PPT
Creative strategy and implementation and evaluation - Download PPT
Media planning and strategy - Download PPT

Unit 3:
Personal selling - Download PPT

Unit 4:
Sales promotion - Download PPT

Unit 5:
Distribution management - Download PPT

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